Andromedia Galaxy is around 180 circular segment minutes across and 90 curve minutes high. Our Moon or Sun is around 30 curve minutes across and high.
You can't see the Galaxy from edge to edge since it is very weak past around 45 bend minutes from the middle where you see a somewhat minuscule splendid focus.
You can see faint mist of star mists near around the middle , so you need long introduction with a camera to see it entirety! It is gigantic . There is additionally scarcely any other weak worlds as large and marginally greater than our Moon/Sun.
Additionally, some is acceptable estimated ones about half as large also. Inside and out, there is about several many them . Around a hundred other is just one quarter as large . .
More normal is around 1/sixth to 1/eighth as large. There is likewise a few others that is huge edge on ones that resembles slim stogies as long as the Moon and one eighth as flimsy!
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